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Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...

That period of time, usually about 12 hours out from a deadline... you know it? That's my jam, that's where I really deliver. I can churn out about 28 hours worth of work in those 12 hours, is this something I should confess? Probably not... Why am I telling you this?

Because... If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Writing a strategic plan for your business is one of the two most important things you will do for your business. The other thing? Carrying out that plan. I know, I know, strategy is what big business does when justifying their roles, particularly in the sales and marketing departments... am I right? NO. NO, I AM NOT RIGHT... And neither are you.

Working in and with small businesses it has become apparent we like to grow organically, and although that's great when purchasing your fresh produce, when it comes time to scale up or down, introduce a new product, change direction or anything in between, without your clear strategy and plan in place waters will muddy quickly.

So, ask yourself. Do you know who your competitors are, your unique selling point, your sales targets, what you actually want from your social media, how you are going to increase revenue and whether you are prepared for change in an unsettled financial climate?

Do yourself a favor, put down the accounts payable, log out of Facebook or step away from the counter. Make a plan, and make yourself accountable.

Me on the ground stressing about planning

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